New Registrations

Q. How do I register a Company in South Africa?

A. Start by choosing your desired company registration option and/or package. We will be in contact after you have applied and process your Company Registration Documents online.

Q. How do I register a CC?

A. The Close Corporation (CC) and Private Companies (Pty) Ltd. company formats have been merged since the new Companies Act of 2008 has been introduced. Only “Pty Company Formats” can be registered ever since. 
If you still have a CC, it could be best if you convert it to a Pty.

Q. What do I need to register a new Company?

A. There are three requirements: 
1. ID / Passport 
2. South African Address (personal and / or business) 
3. Ages 18 and older. 

Q. How many people are needed to start a Company?

A. Your minimum amount of directors are 1 (one); and the maximum amount of directors are 20 (twenty).

Q. How long does the company registration process take?

A. It all depends on the option and/or package that you select.

Q. How to reserve a Company Name?

A. Start by making sure your company name is not taken already. Then, you can apply to register a Company and we will do your register your company name as part of the Company Registration process.

Q. What is the Difference Between a Shelf Company and a PTY Company?

A. Shelf Company is a PTY that has already been registered with the CIPC with one purpose in mind and that is to be sold to persons in need of 
a Company Registration Number for either a contract or tender application. The shelf companies we have available have no trading history or vat/tax. 
Included in the price of the shelf company will be the possible amendment of the business address as well as the director details. 

A. PTY Company is a company that still needs to be registered. Where you can choose your company name and submit you directors from scratch. 
Here you will have to go through the process of the name reservation and final registration which will dependent on the CIPC and the timeframes 
may vary depending on the current workload at the CIPC and also the 4 proposed names whether they are unique or confusingly similar to those already on CIPC database. On average such a process turnaround time is about 15 working days, however, if there are no such delays the turnaround time ranges from 3-7days

Q. Is a Shelf Company better than a PTY Company?

A. It depends on situation. It you have a tender and you need a company quickly, then a Shelf Company can be worth it. Or if you are a Lawyer and you need to set up a Contract quickly. In the Shelf company registration process we need to change the Director (s) and Business Address of the Company. Please note that the director Amendment and Address Change Process varies between 3 – 5 working days if there are no delays at CIPC and the Address change to and you will not be able to open a Business Bank Account until the amendments have been completed at the CIPC. You also have an option to change the Shelf Company Name and put company name of your choice; this will also be an additional amendment and it can be done on the same day.

Q. Are there any other fees payable after my Company has been registered?

A. Our fees are all inclusive for the first 12 months after registration date. By South African Law registered Companies must pay an Annual Return fee to the Company Registrar (CIPC) once every 12 months. You also need to file provisional tax returns after every 6 months and income tax returns (IT14) once a year
Company Certificates

Q. Do I get an original hard copy Registration Certificate?

A. CIPC has recently changed their certification system to an entirely online system. All Company Certificates are sent electronically via email. You can print it out and it will be accepted for all your business endeavours in South Africa.

Q. What is an MOI?

A. MOI stand for Memorandum of Incorporation. It is one of the Registration Documents a business owner needs to operate his / her Company officially. You also need your MOI documents in order to open a business bank account at most banks. We register the standard CIPC MOI for our clients at CIPC