Every effort has been made to simplify the user experience when subscribing for any of the services on offer. However, should you still require further information, please do not hesitate in contacting one of our friendly support consultants, who will be only too happy to be of assistance to you.
Online Enquiries
Please use the enquiry form below to submit your query. Provide as much information as possible to assist in providing an accurate and detailed reply.
Contact Details
Telephone: 031 4000 231
Mobile: 082 405 7237
Cell/Whatsapp: 081 240 8517
Fax Number: 086 410 6239
Email Addresses: info@jjatc.co.za
After Hours: 082 405 7237
Trading Hours
Monday to Friday – 08H00 to 16H30.
Saturday – By Appointments only.
Sunday and Public Holidays – Closed.